How to create a reusable confirmation Modal component in Angular

Lakshitha Perera
2 min readJun 21, 2021

Step 1: Setting up the application

Let’s start by installing Angular

   npm install -g @angular/cli

Creating a brand new Angular application

  ng new angular-reusable-modal

Open the project directory

   cd angular-reusable-modal

Open the project using VS Code

  code .

Adding ng-bootstrap to the angular project

  ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap

Step 2: Creating our Confirmation Modal Component

Project File Structure

Project File Structure

Create Shared Module

Create a folder called shared and module file as shared.module.ts. The created module can be used to add your reusable components. In this folder, you can manage your reusable components easily.


Now go to the app.module.ts and import the SharedModule


Create our Confirmation Modal Component

Go to the shared directory and generate the confirmation modal using,

ng g c confirmation-modal

Now you can add the following codes to the confirmation-modal component.

Step 3: Using our Modal Component

Now you can use the modal easily since the component is injectable, we only need to include the <confirmation-modal> tag in the .html file of the component where you want to include the modal. The tag will look like this:

add .html,

<confirmation-modal #confirmationModal (newConfirmationEvent)="getConfirmationValue($event)" [modalStyle]="modalStyle"

add .ts,

private modalComponent!: ConfirmationModalComponent;
modalStyle: string = 'modal-style-primary';
modalTitle: string = 'Info Confirmation';
modalBody: string = 'This is a Information Confirmation message';
modalButtonColor: string = 'btn-primary';
async openModal() {
return await;

you can use this modal component to show your all confirmation. Also, you can change the modal style, title, body

Final Step:: Create Delete Confirmation Using our Modal Component

I have used this modal component in the app component. but you can use any component like this,


That’s the end of this tutorial on how to create reusable modal components in Angular and ng-bootstrap. comments and suggestions are welcome.

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Lakshitha Perera

I’m a passionate individual and a technophile obsessed with the latest technologies. I prefer to find new solutions using the latest approaches and systems. ✌👦